Distribution Plan

Frequently asked questions

To provide customers with additional information, we include below a number of frequently asked questions (‘FAQs’).

What is a distribution plan?

What is a Hard Bar Date?

What is a Failed Payment Transaction?

What is a Customer Claim Form?

How do I submit a Customer Claim Form?

When do I need to submit my Customer Claim Form by?

When will my funds be returned to me?

Will I receive all of my funds back?

What can I do if my question has not been answered in this FAQ section?

The Administrators act as agents of the Companies without personal liability. Chris Laverty, Russell Simpson and Jarred Erceg are authorised by the IPA to act as insolvency practitioners. The Companies are registered in England and Wales, registered numbers: 05405279 and 04363859, respectively, registered office address: c/o Grant Thornton UK LLP, 11th Floor, Landmark, St Peter's Square, 1 Oxford St, Manchester, M1 4PB