Contact Us

To provide further detailed information, Frequently Asked Questions (‘FAQs’) have been uploaded to the Small World website which can be accessed at

We are focused on giving customers additional information and estimated timelines for return of amounts at the earliest opportunity. Please check your emails and FAQs on the Small World website for updates.

Should you have any queries, please visit the FAQs in the first instance. Alternatively, please contact the Small World Customer Service team by 020 3198 0387 or at

Alternatively, if this is regarding the conduct of the special administration, please contact

The Administrators act as agents of the Companies without personal liability. Chris Laverty, Russell Simpson and Jarred Erceg are authorised by the IPA to act as insolvency practitioners. The Companies are registered in England and Wales, registered numbers: 05405279 and 04363859, respectively, registered office address: c/o Grant Thornton UK LLP, 11th Floor, Landmark, St Peter's Square, 1 Oxford St, Manchester, M1 4PB